As far as other news here in good ol' Sabana Yegua lets start with investgators. Wednesday was a bit of a sad day. We went to go see Carmen and well long story short she left to the capital to work the very next day. Meaning she'll come back every other 15 which just doesnt really work when one is trying to learn from missionaries. But she has a book of mormon and there are missionaries where she is now so we hope and pray the Lord will give her the opportunity to come closer to Him there as well. We were able to put a baptismal date with a new investigator named Nicauris. She's about 24 and is really smart. She came to church this sunday and we hope that she will continue to progress. As far as any others well... we're working on it. Its not as easy to find true progressing investigators here and at times it gets a little frustrating but all is in the hands in the Lord and all we need to do is do our best to become instruments in His hands.
Elder Paredes and I are doing awesome. We have our times that we bash but such is the life of two people being together for 24\7. He's the baby in his family of only two and his sister was already out of the house for all of his high school if I'm not mistaken. And me well I'm just simply not that fun to joke around with haha, I'm working on my sense of humor. He told me that in every relationship one needs personal time. Now our goal is trying to be able to do that with out getting mad at each other to be able to have personal time.
My little bit of advice for you all this week would be this: so often do we forget to pray in any moment. As missionaries we pray a WHOLE LOT. I've truly learned to love to pray even though its been a bit hard these past weeks- its quite easy for a tired missionary to maybe dose off in his persoanl prayers. But do we pray to help us understand what to do for the little things or the things that don't seem to be spiritual? I know that our Heavenly Father loves us very much and I know that like any loving parent He will help with anything. Whats important to you is important to Him.
Well I'm going to send some pictures now. We went to a really cool annual world wide service project called "the cleaning of beaches and coast." It was way fun to be on the beach so no I didnt break any rules by going to the beach I was actually doing service!
I love you all so much its been such a great 8 months serving my Lord and I know that I'm going to continue to have great experiences. Please keep sending letters and emails they really give me strength I love to hear about life back in the states and with my family and friends. I was sad to hear about my Cougs losing to the Utes but dont worry theyre just waiting to get really good for when I get home sdo I can enjoy the games again ;) Remember that the Lord loves us and that all we need to do is do our best and He will pick up the rest of our slack. Talk to you all in a week!
Elder Pemberton